NeMo 的每个集合 ASR、NLP、TTS 中,都提供了许多预训练模型,使用 list_available_models() 可以查看 ASR 所提供的所有预训练模型
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
nemo_asr.models.EncDecCTCModel.list_available_models() ''' [PretrainedModelInfo( pretrained_model_name=QuartzNet15x5Base-En, description=QuartzNet15x5 model trained on six datasets: LibriSpeech, Mozilla Common Voice (validated clips from en_1488h_2019-12-10), WSJ, Fisher, Switchboard, and NSC Singapore English. It was trained with Apex/Amp optimization level O1 for 600 epochs. The model achieves a WER of 3.79% on LibriSpeech dev-clean, and a WER of 10.05% on dev-other. Please visit for further details., location= ), ...] '''